Willis Co-Authors Article Comparing Attorney Title Opinion Letters and Lender Title Insurance Policies for Opinions Matters
August 2, 2023
Scott Willis, a partner in Fishman Haygood’s Business Section, co-authored the article “Title Insurance or Title Opinion Letters?’” published in the Spring/Summer 2023 issue of Opinions Matters, a newsletter of the Committee on Legal Opinions in Real Estate Transactions published by the American Bar Association’s Real Property, Trust, and Estate Law Section. In the article, Willis offers a detailed comparison of attorney title opinion letters and lender title insurance policies, noting that while title insurance has become the most readily accepted tool for commercial real estate financing transactions, the tension between the two remains relevant today. Click here to read the newsletter.
Opinions Matters seeks to keep those interested in real estate finance opinion letters informed on the latest developments in the practice area. The newsletter also encourages discussion around new initiatives that might help achieve better clarity in the customary practice involving opinion letters. Willis serves as its editor-in-chief.