Fishman speaks on ethics for transaction lawyers
September 23, 2016
Louis Fishman participated in a panel discussion on ethics for transaction lawyers, at a half-day seminar hosted by the Louisiana State Bar Association’s Section on Corporate and Business Law held in September 2016. The panel engaged in a lively discussion about ethical issues typically encountered by deal lawyers, including the lawyer’s duties when the client is the business organization. The panel also delved into the ethics and professionalism issues raised in lawyer-client engagement letters, including advance conflict waivers. The panel was moderated by Loyola law professor Dane Ciolino and also included L. Richards McMillan, General Counsel of Freeport McMoRan. Fishman Haygood partner Maureen Gershanik is the Immediate Past President of the LSBA’s Corporate and Business Law Section, co-chaired the seminar.